Getting up early is weird. IT'S WEIRD. All the shadows are pointed the wrong way and I'm all "NO! Shadows what the hell are you doing?! SOMEBODY IS TRICKING YOU!" But they just keep on doing their wrongfaced business.
I took these photographs this morning. Last night on the way to work I noticed that the Newcastle Portugese Hall was all tented up for fumigation. I thought it would probably look nice with a glowing morning light behind it. The image I had in my mind also happened to be about 50 feet above Taylor Road. What I ended up taking was from the top of a 4 foot ladder in the bike lane on the side of the road. SOMEDAY I will be crazy famous and people will beg me to shut down their roads with cranes so I can take a photograph I want.
The rest of these are from the chunk of Newcastle that butts up against the railroad track. That conductor was positive he was going to kill me. I got out of his way and waved. I'm certain he appreciated both gestures.
I'll probably start doing this more often. It felt good.